Thank you for your interest in requesting a Mayoral Proclamation from the Office of Mayor B.H. "Skip" Henderson III. Please carefully review the guidelines below before submitting your request.

A proclamation is a document, which dedicates a day, week, or month in the City of Columbus to honor a special event, cause, or purpose. Proclamations are typically issued by the Mayor, City Manager, and/or City Council to recognize the importance of a community event, significant achievements by a community member, or to increase public awareness of a worthy cause. These are public service documents are strictly honorary and are not legally binding. Proclamations are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.


Please check each requirement acknowledging that you have read and understand each requirement before submitting a form

All Proclamation requests must be submitted 14 business days prior to receiving date.

Proclamations should reflect inclusiveness, not exclusiveness.

Proclamation requests must include a proposed text including a minimum of five/no more than eight "Whereas," statements.

“Whereas,” statements highlight key achievements, history, facts, events, etc. in which are of significant importance. "Whereas," statements tell the story of the person and/or organization being recognized and builds up the case for why the honoree is deserving of a Proclamation.

*The Mayor's Office reserves the right to modify any proposed language.


Please check each requirement acknowledging that you have read and understand each requirement before submitting a form

Proclamations are not automatically renewed, and a request must be submitted for each document.

Proclamations will not be issued for any matter with potential political controversy, or which may suggest an official City position on a matter under consideration or to be voted upon by the City Council.

Proclamations will not recognize any group whose policies or aims advocate violence, hatred or any other position contrary to the well-being of the citizens of the City of Columbus, Georgia or the quality of life in Columbus and Muscogee County.

No proclamation shall be used as a part of an advertisement, to promote one's business concern or commercial promotion without the express permission of the Mayor’s Office.

Please do not make announcements or plans for the proclamation until you have received confirmation of its approval from the Mayor's Office staff.


Please check each requirement acknowledging that you have read and understand each requirement before submitting a form

Anniversaries of individuals or businesses less than 65 years

Birthdays of individuals less than 85 years

To honor private businesses, grand openings, or fundraisers

As a letter of support or endorsement of individuals, businesses, products, or services

*The Mayor's Office reserves the right to decline the issuance of a Proclamation where deemed warranted.


By submitting this proclamation request, you, the applicant, agree to these terms. Once you submit your request, a confirmation page will appear, and you will receive a confirmation e-mail at the address on the form. If this fails to occur, your request has not been submitted.

For any questions regarding Proclamations, please contact:

Mayor's Office
